Prayer Requests for the Week of January 27
Please pray…
…for a Muslim immigrant from Yemen who is barren. Her husband announced to her that he will go to his country to visit his first wife and children. She fears that he might not return and that he could take a third wife during this time. She doesn’t have work or have a driver’s license and is afraid of being abandoned with no family at all where she lives now. Please pray that her Christian friend will be able to lead her to Jesus and that she will know the security of His love and care.
…for a Christian worker in Italy whose outreach to Muslim immigrant women involves plans for teaching them Italian and offering classes (sewing, etc.) to help them succeed in their communities. Pray as well for her friend S’s salvation—and that this friendship will favorably influence new possibilities for outreach among many who are like S.
…for a meeting Say Hello will have this week with Christian women whose leadership roles have potential to impact outreach to Muslim women globally. Pray that the Lord will infuse their hearts with passion for Muslim women everywhere and that they will respond with deliberate action in their own vast realms of influence.