Prayer Requests for the Week of March 16
Please pray…
…for a church in PA that is opening its doors to adopting refugee families from predominately Muslim families. Pray as well that participant members gain insight and influence as they explore options for training church laity to teach ESL to the community’s growing Muslim population.
…that the Holy Spirit will smooth the way forward for S., a 30 year old Muslim woman who wants to “see Jesus”—for him to “come to [her] soon.” Successful surgery has recently relieved her of life-long disability that made her the object of abuse. Now she loves the way she feels when her Christian friend prays for her. S. has remained single and dependent upon her parents because of her disability. Pray especially for her mother who strongly resists what S. is finding. Pray that God will transform her miraculously, and that both women will know the fullness of life in Christ.
…for H., from a conservative Muslim country, who has come to faith in Jesus but seeks grace for her journey. Last Sunday, while she visited spiritual parents in America, her spiritual mother passed away unexpectedly. Pray that her grief will turn to joy as she personalizes her own hope for eternity in this context of her loved one’s home-going.