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Jesus and Women

Today we welcome the voice of a dear friend to our online space. On this International Women’s Day, we are grateful for his words as he echoes the Truth of Scripture for the world’s women. Doug Clark served as AGWM area director for the Middle East and North Africa and has graciously provided his teaching on Jesus and women to Say Hello. Below is an excerpt from his published work, Jesus and Women.

How did Jesus view women? How did He treat women? How did they respond to Him?

The Gospel of Luke provides the answers to these questions. Twenty-four times in Luke, Jesus either met a woman, talked about a woman, or mentioned a woman in a parable. All of these 24 times are instructive and positive.

The words accepting, sensitive, and affirming sum up what Luke and the example of Jesus Christ teach us about Jesus and women.

Jesus never intimidated or sexually threatened a woman, and He was never threatened or intimidated by a woman. There was no lewd look, no coarse jesting with Jesus. He didn’t have to prove anything–because He’s 100-percent man.

That’s why both men and women are equally attracted to Jesus. Jesus lifted and affirmed every woman who came to Him. Women find in Him the man they wish every man could be. And men see in Him the man they know they ought to be.

Jesus treated His mother and all women with the deepest respect. We honor all women by showing them the same love and respect that Jesus showed to women.

Jesus is the perfect man, the man God wants every man to emulate. This is the kind of man God wants every woman to know in her life.

Please click below for a free downloadable PDF of the full text of Jesus and Women by Doug Clark.