God’s Way, My Joy

My life has become immensely richer knowing immigrants, whether they live among us in search of better lives or have fled wars and crisis in their homelands. I can’t imagine how boring it would be without them and their amazing foods, music, and cultures. Most importantly, they become dear friends.

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Say HelloComment
God's Generosity in Acts of Kindness

Ruth and Doug have for decades generously shared their lives with people literally all over the world, but mostly among Muslims. Their very character is life-giving. They also exude gratitude. It’s not a surprise to see Ruth connect a familiar portion of Scripture to an experience that features a generous act of kindness extended to them by a Muslim bystander at a moment of need. 

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Say HelloComment
Hope From The Man in White

My husband and I lived and served for many years in the Muslim world and would never dare cast a shadow of fear or resentment over the beautiful friendships we have had with Muslims. We live to help Muslims know the truth about Jesus, wherever they are, because Islam, their religion, keeps them from it.

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Say HelloComment
Just "Say Hello"

It was probably in 2012 that I had a conversation with my sweet mother-in-law. Our family was visiting home for a short time while living in a predominantly Muslim former Soviet country. “Say Hello” ministries had recently launched, and I was excited about it. 

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Say HelloComment
When Christians Step Up

When Reema (not her real name) was nine years old, her mother walked out, leaving her to care for her two younger sisters and do the cooking and cleaning for her dad -- in cases of divorce in that society, girls stayed with their fathers, while boys went to their mothers, because men and boys simply didn't do housework or childcare. 

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Say HelloComment
What's in a Name

"Ruth, that's enough."

That was the greeting from my Turkish friend when I walked into her apartment one day.  But she was grinning, and it only took a minute for her to explain that this was the name of the friend who was visiting.  

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Say HelloComment
30 Days of Prayer for Muslim Women During Ramadan

How Should I Pray?

Use the prayer ideas as a starting point for your prayers. Let the Holy Spirit challenge you to pray in light of all the needs of the people you read about, and based on our calling as the followers of Christ, to love them as He does and share His Good News with them.

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Say Hello
My Prayer on International Woman's Day

“I can’t pray today”—these words still ring in my ears. Our families were walking together in the park as the evening Islamic prayer call sounded. Prakash looked longingly at the nearby mosque when suddenly a large bird appeared and relieved itself on his hand. In a moment of horror, Prakash held up his hand and cried out, “Now, I can’t pray. I can’t pray today! I am not clean. I am not clean enough to pray.” As a devout Muslim, the bird feces had rendered his prayers ineffective. Our excursion in the park was cut short that day; Prakash needed to find a way to make himself clean again.

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Ruth WalkerComment
Kids Can Say Hello Too!

Say Hello Impacts Children

God can use kids to do BIG things. It was one little boy's lunch that God used to feed over 5000 people!

At Say Hello we believe that God is still using kids to do big things. That’s why we created the first-ever curriculum to teach kids how to share Jesus with their Muslim friends! The resource includes five comic books that give practical application to each lesson. They feature engaging stories that show kids what becoming Jesus-hearted friends looks like.

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Say HelloComment
Journal Prompts: Acts 2:41

This week's scripture and journal prompts are focused on Acts 2:41, but to fully appreciate all that is happening we strongly encourage you to read verses 36-41.

41 So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.

‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:41‬ ‭ESV

Journal Prompts:

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Say HelloComment
Say Hello Impacts Christian Women

Mother Theresa once said, "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples."

At Say Hello, we understand that we are simply a handful of Christian women who can accomplish very little on our own. We also have faith to believe that God can and will do great things through us for his glory!

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Say HelloComment
Journal Prompts: Isaiah 43:1

This week's verse is one you probably know well, but let's think about how it directly impacts our lives today.

Isaiah 43:1b (ESV)
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."

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Say HelloComment
How does Say Hello impact Muslim Women?

How does Say Hello impact Muslim Women? We are glad you asked!

As Christian women, we know how deeply Jesus cares for us. Sadly, most Muslim women have never once heard that He loves them. At Say Hello, we want to be a part of changing this. We believe that God can use simple "Hellos" to initiate beautiful Christ-pointing friendships.

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Say HelloWho We AreComment
Journal Prompts: Matthew 28:19-20

This week's verse is one you probably know well, but let's dig a little deeper to see how it directly impacts our lives today.

Matthew 28:19-20: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV)

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Say HelloComment
Who We Are

As we continue to introduce ourselves, we thought it would be a good idea to share Say Hello's vision, mission, and plan. Our team desires to efficiently and effectively provide a place where Christian women from all over the world can unite to pray and learn. That truly is the heart behind what we do, and we invite you to join us in this movement.

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