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Understanding Ramadan: A Few Resources for You

Today marks the beginning of the holiest month in the Islamic faith. Throughout the fasting month of Ramadan, opportunities to pray for Muslims to encounter the living Christ abound. We at Say Hello want to gift you with some special resources to enhance your knowledge, intercession, and friendships with Muslims during this important time. We will be posting several times each week here on our blog, as well as on our social media, providing further tools to help you take your next steps in Christ-honoring friendships during Ramadan. Check out a few amazing resources available for download below:

Learn more about the significance of Ramadan for Muslims in this brief introductory guide. Tips on how to be a good guest are also included for Christians seeking to reach out in genuine friendship.

Maybe you are thinking about neighbors you have or Muslims you regularly see in different places, and you know they need Jesus. You would like to focus on them this Ramadan season. You aren't alone! 

You have us. We will help you in every way possible, with encouragement and tools for prayer and action. Throughout Ramadan you and your family can start simply, with daily Forever Friends-based visual guides to prayer and action that will only take a minute or two of your time. 

Friends of Say Hello have published this annual 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World booklet for Christians to learn about Islam and pray for Muslims during Ramadan (Islam's important annual month of fasting and religious observance).