Please pray:
for training that Say Hello is doing this coming week in Africa. Praise God for the work He is doing across the continent in building His Church and equipping His people to reach Muslims for His glory!
for 5 female Muslim background believers in Southern Asia who recently attended online trainings. Pray that they will be burdened to reach the Muslim women in their former communities and in their families. May the Lord give them a boldness and fill them with His Holy Spirit.
that Eastern Europe's Muslim women would trust Christian women more and become receptive to the Good News they share (Matt. 13:23).
Please pray:
that Muslim women who occupy positions of power and influence in government and business will have transformational encounters with Christians who refuse to remain silent regarding the
claims of Christ. (Esth. 4:14)
specifically for women who are thinking about becoming Muslim. Pray that this recent Ramadan would cause them to run to Jesus instead of Islam. (Jn. 14-6)
for health and provision for the Say Hello team and their families.
Please pray:
that Muslim women everywhere will receive Christ's perfect love-gift of eternal life and be freed from their fear of Judgment Day's mezan scales that measure deeds and determine punish-ment and condemnation for this life and the next. (Eph. 2:8,9)
that Muslim women who emigrate from Islamic nations to places of greater freedom will repeatedly encounter the Truth about Jesus along the way. (Acts 17: 26-27)
that Muslim women will believe that all power and authority is found in Christ Jesus. (Matt. 28:18)
Please pray:
that Iranian Christian women will find increased favor with their Muslim friends, so that girls who seek Jesus can find him.
for Northwest China’s approximately 30 million females: that they will find their delight in Jesus, even as they seek to please Allah with deeds. Pray for workers to reap vast harvest among them.
for Muslim immigrant grandmothers, to feel at home in the love Jesus has for them in their away-from-home places.