Prayer Requests for the Week of April 21
Please pray…
…for students from many Asian countries who are in the Philippines and in Indonesia to attend 6-week intensive Muslim outreach seminars. Pray that God will speak clearly to the male and female students about His will for focused ministry to Muslim women in their work contexts. These student bodies are comprised of graduate students, church planters, missionaries, and lay workers who are responding specifically to the God’s heart for Muslims everywhere. Numbers of these students are taking the courses for academic credit. The seminars’ content is rigorous.
…that God would help Say Hello as we vision cast and plan specifically for curricula production that will equip women for outreach to Muslim women everywhere. Pray specifically that our network of alliances might inform a product that would reflect the Church’s at-large capacity and opportunity for the privilege God gives us to reach Muslim for Christ. Please pray for financial provision as well.
…for Muslim immigrant women in the Netherlands to be befriended by followers of Jesus, so that they might recognize the true “I AM” in them.