Prayer Requests for the Week of April 29

Please pray…

…for training programs in Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific to speak clearly into the hearts of workers who are seeking God’s will for their lives. Pray that through their studies God would impress upon them the opportunities that exist for outreach to Muslim women in their cities and remote places. Pray that they would respond by committing to mission for the sakes of these women.

…for Christian women in a very restricted nation (which cannot yet be named in this venue), who lead or actively participate in the underground church movement. They are vulnerable to government surveillance, and the church as a whole is experiencing a new wave of persecution. Pray that the love of the Father, which casts away all fear, would preside over their hearts and minds in these difficult days.

God has heard your prayers for the conference mentioned on April 14. Both men and women whose life callings place them in Muslim contexts have been encouraged and equipped for their work. Continue to pray for them as they travel back to the countries they serve, for their safety and for the reaping of great harvests in the coming weeks and months.

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