Prayer Requests for the Week of November 18

Please thank God with us for new doors He has opened for strategic influence among Muslims in Europe. Pray that He will capacitate the work with prayer warriors and workers there.

Please pray for one Malaysian Muslim Background Believer who needs clear direction for family relationships and future work choices. Pray that she has the courage to make difficult choices and that she reaps miraculous joy from those choices.

Please pray for an Assemblies of God World Missions family who are seizing the opportunities offered by the husband’s terminal illness to reach their Muslim friends in the country where they serve. They have chosen not to return to the States for treatment; they are modeling complete trust in the Father, so that those watching can know He is God. They don’t ask us to pray that the trial will cease. They ask us to pray for miracles in the lives of their friends. Please pray for the wife in this family, who valiantly carries a heavy load.

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