Journal Prompts: Acts 17:26-27

At Say Hello we are passionate about God’s Word and about helping women dig into its truth to find application for their lives.

Acts 27:26-27 is one of our favorite verses, and we hope you can find a couple of minutes today to dig in and see how it might apply to you.

Journal Questions:

  1. What is unique about…

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Thank you for your interest in Say Hello: Serving Muslim Women. Over the next few weeks, we will share about who we are and how you can join with us and sisters globally who long for Muslim women to know Jesus.

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Is the Spirit World Real?

Did you know that 85% of all Muslim women feel they must resort to folk Islamic practices to receive answers to their felt needs? When we engage with them, we get to direct them to God’s help that is personal and true.

Modernism relegates the belief in the supernatural to myth, superstition, and lack of education. However, millions of people around the world live in fear of evil spirits. They blame their circumstances on external forces beyond their control.

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Say HelloComment
After Eid

Sadly, just before Eid, Fatima* suffered a very difficult miscarriage. This aggregated loss tops off a traumatic exit from her homeland, grief resulting from the news of an earthquake that recently ravaged her Afghan village, and the grind of ongoing challenges related to resettling in a land where almost everything is very different.

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Say HelloComment
Why Me?

Our issues of identity often lead us to doubt ourselves and God’s invitation to lead us to something greater than ourselves. Let’s look at a couple biblical leaders who struggled with these issues and see how God met them in their inadequacy.

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