It's Still Easter

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Hard boiled eggs are everywhere these days. We are pickling, deviling, chopping, and whipping them into all kinds of recipes and quasi respectable meal concoctions. The egg glut is proof that Easter came, and will be fully fare-welled when the last of our left-over hen fruit are eaten or affectionately fed to the kitchen sink disposal. 

Or will it? This Easter has felt different from the start, and I don’t sense we are ready for it to move on just yet. Weeks before we had even thought of buying eggs or what we might wear to church on Easter Sunday, an insidious virus wafted its way into the breaths we would take, and people the world over fell prey to its invasive suffocation. It came to steal from us, kill us, and destroy us. People everywhere continue to suffer immeasurable loss. This is Satan’s will and how he operates (John 10:10a). 

But Jesus came to offer abundant life (John 10:10b). By suffering and dying a sacrificial death, He conquers Satan and destroys his works (John 3:8)! 


That’s when Jesus rises from the grave and conquers it! Jesus’ resurrection actually validates His death (I Cor. 15:17). Even now, in all the chaos and despair that COVID-19 causes, Jesus’ supreme sacrifice and glorious resurrection offer hope to every human. All who believe and receive Jesus are given the “right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). Indeed, Jesus is our living hope who points us to Heaven in all that He says and does (I Pet. 1:3-6). 

My friend Lily is a vocational pastor. She leads a congregation and works in a hospital. She loves telling people about Heaven. Yesterday she called me to say that there are many Muslims in the hospital. The Lord reminded her that the Muslim patients she relates with are just like everyone else. They need hope for Heaven! I’ve seen Lily in action. She takes advantage of every opportunity to offer people Jesus’ free gift of eternal life.   

Lily knows that Muslims can only hope for Islam’s paradise, but they have no assurance. During their life on earth they work hard to earn it—but no one can know for sure if they will get there.  Nearing death, Muhammad himself wasn’t sure if he would achieve the reward of paradise.  

These days, Heaven is on the minds of most people. Easter’s message vibrantly lives on in the lives and actions of Christ’s followers, all over the world! Jesus is showing up in our suffering, and He still points the way to Heaven. In this prolonged Easter season, will you join us as we ask Jesus to lead Muslims and others to His Truth? Will you ask Him to use you to help a Muslim friend find Jesus during this difficult COVID-19 season? He will open your eyes and your hearts to them, so that you can invite them to Heaven as well.

A simple prayer:

Jesus, thank You for all that Easter means to us. Will You please use me to invite Muslims and others to Heaven, to offer them Living Hope for eternity? I know You’ll give me eyes to see people who need You, a heart to love them like You do, and lips to share Your good news with new friends. Amen.