Reflections on Covid and the Muslim Community: Part 2

Reflections on Covid and the Muslim Community: Part 2.jpeg

It is no secret that Muslim women grapple with fear. The pandemic has intensified their fears; it has also intensified opportunities for ministry among them! Truly the unprecedented times of the last year have provided unprecedented opportunities for deep connection with Muslim women. Today we pick up with Fatima’s story and how our ministry colleague showed her the love of Jesus.

Fatima, wearing a long cloak and head covering, opened the door to her apartment building to let me in. “Oh, Fatima,” I exclaimed looking at her sad troubled face. “I’ve missed you terribly,” I added. She cried. My heart melted. “What’s happened?” I asked. “It’s bad news. Some of my family and friends back home have gotten sick with COVID-19 or died. Everything is hopeless there. I can’t do anything about it.” This kind of news could not be shared by texting or virtually but only in person.

Fatima, being alone without husband, children, or any relative here is physically planted in Canada but mentally living in the Middle East. Although we have been friends for years I was now surprised to hear of more past traumas. Hearing about locked up traumas in the stories some of my friends share during the pandemic are sounding all too familiar now. Their pushed back fears and painful unhealed memories which were kept at bay by keeping busy in pre-pandemic times were now surfacing and rising up in waves crashing down on them. The dread of getting sick or dying alone in a hospital not surrounded by family or community is frightening.  Not being able to travel to visit family in their homelands is almost too much to bear.

Now Fatima was being gripped with fears and anxieties too large for her to cope with. I listened and cried and prayed for her. She was feeling like an orphan. Something resonated deep within her every time I prayed, “Dear heavenly Father.....” The spiritual battle has always waged strong during our visits. For months during the pandemic she has been studying the Qur’an online with other women being instructed by a woman from the mosque. Presently she is studying correct grammar and reciting perfect pronunciation of the Arabic text  even though Arabic is her mother tongue. Strangely she seems to find comfort in these classes.

My heart pleads for the Spirit to show her that reading and reciting perfectly will not satisfy her deepest longings but a personal Father- child relationship with God made possible through knowing the Truth about Jesus. A few weeks later the communication became quieter. An appointment for a visit was suddenly cancelled with no explanation given. Finally I tried texting again because the burden in me kept growing stronger that something was wrong. This time it worked!

“This is the worst year ever, Joy,” she cried. “My sister back home had a stroke.” Fear and anxiety were overwhelming her. Her sister, living in poverty, desperately needed money. Fatima was picking up any kind of cleaning job on top of her other virtual job to be able to send money for her sister’s immediate needs. When I gave her money to send to her sister she was greatly relieved and comforted. I prayed for Fatima and her sister and their many immediate needs. We are in this pandemic together.