Say Hello Reviews Award-winning "The Next Target"


Say Hello recommends The Next Target, a work of fiction penned by award winning fiction writer Nikki Arana. Her heart is to stand for the persecuted and to inspire outreach to Muslims.

One gunshot is all it takes for Austia to know that the community center she runs has become vulnerable to radical Islamists. The story's plot juxtaposes the destructive intentions of a dangerous cell against the love of a few who risk their lives for wonderful Muslim friends. It is an intriguing work that triumphs Truth in grave darkness. It compels believers to love Muslims.

The director of Say Hello offers her review of the book:

The Next Target features love that ventures into tough realms of radical extremism for the sake of Muslim friends. In this context of love, in all its forms, Arana's fictional characters expose the conflict that extremism pours into its own Islamic community and the community of Christians, which the conflict means to disrupt. The story's intricate plot gently dips into places where the warmth and affection of friendships between Muslims and Christ-followers realistically reflect the passion and joy that compel them.

Reading this book will help you wrestle with fears that probably keep you from the pleasure of Muslim friendships.  It will soften your heart for the Muslims God brings to your own neighborhood, so that He can love them through you (and you through them).

And all that while the adrenaline in your veins holds you captive to the pages you consume.

Arana's book can be purchased at local Christian bookstores, from David C. Cook Publishing Company, or from A Kindle version is also available on Amazon here.

The Next Target was recently named the winner of the 2013 Christian Book Award for Fiction.