Scheduling a Say Hello Event

Are you interested in hosting your own Say Hello event? We provide a variety of workshops tailor made for you and the needs of your ladies. Regardless of where you are on your journey of friendship with Muslim women, we are here to come alongside you each step of the way.

Presentations We Offer 

1. Be Inspired

This interactive 2-hour workshop will invite Christian women into the wonderful privilege of sharing life in Christ with Muslim women by addressing commonly-held fears and misperceptions that have for centuries kept us apart. We’ll learn how the separate origins of Islam and Muslim women make the women more like us than we think. God’s strategies make us neighbors, so that we can engage. We get to do this!

(There will be opportunity for Q and A and dialogue with presenters. Say Hello will make “Guide to Building Christ-like Friendships with Muslim Women” booklets and Say Hello “Fact Packs” available to all women present.)

2. Be Aware

This interactive 4-hour workshop will open our eyes to how we see Muslims and how they see us. It will inform Christian women for practical outreach to Muslim women by offering a basic introduction to Islam’s religious practice and the values Muslims live to uphold, mainly in western context. Focus will be placed upon shame/honor culture and the roles modesty and hospitality play in faith practice, no matter where Muslims live, to give Christian women greater confidence for the kind of unknowns that all girl-friends who start as strangers are able to overcome.

(There will be opportunity for Q and A and dialogue with presenters. Say Hello will make “Guide to Building Christ-like Friendships with Muslim Women” booklets and Say Hello “Fact Packs” available to all women present.)

3. Be Equipped

This interactive 8-hour workshop will give women who are committed to helping Muslim women find Jesus a stronger understanding of our opposing theologies and faith practices. We’ll learn more about gender sensitivities in light of modesty protocols and Islam’s shame-based culture.  We’ll see how Islam’s real-life hold on Muslim women contrasts with Christ’s love for them, and how that translates practically into opportunities God gives Christian women to share Jesus with their Muslim friends.

The teaching will prioritize the Holy Spirit’s role in outreach to Muslim women, with some exposure to occult-based folk practices that are common among them.

(There will be opportunity for Q and A, dialogue and networking among women who will be able to share experiences and insights. Say Hello will introduce Say Hello Care Groups and make available the “Empowered in 10” packaged approach to starting care groups as a resource for their own use. Say Hello conference journals and “Fact Packs” will also be distributed.)

Cost: Say Hello will request travel, food and hotel accommodation for any event, for each woman who presents. We ask for an offering over and above our travel and lodging expenses, to help replenish work accounts that fund the work Say Hello does. We can discuss details in person.

What you can expect from us: As much pre-session personal contact as you need…as well as printable files for promo posters and post cards. We can also provide teaser slides and videos for your use.

How far in advance do we need to schedule events?  The rule of thumb is six months, but we can be flexible.

Once I submit a request, what should I expect? An immediate email response and a follow up phone call.

Discover how you can start engaging Muslim women in your city. Connect with us through the convenient form below; we can’t wait to hear from you!