We All Need a Savior

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Today my Muslim friend told me she is afraid. Her family is in our US city on an academic scholarship. All of a sudden they are cooped up in an apartment while their dreams of a great education begin to fizzle. She wonders if they should all go home. She’s afraid of getting sick.

These days all of us humans need saving from way too many things: growing potential COVID-19 contamination, job insecurities, financial loss and unknowns, isolation mandates, difficult work logistics, home schooling challenges, the unrelenting deluge of ominous news, emotional fatigue, and worry. Whew!  

Everybody needs a savior!

The good news, of course, is that we have a Savior! We, who know the truth about Jesus, understand that as soon as sin began to destroy, God instituted His plan to save. Jesus has been the answer to our needs ever since God first announced a victor in the Garden of Eden, following Adam and Eve’s disobedience there (Gen 3:15). 

God understood humankind’s weakness. He made a way for us to overcome. That way is Jesus, the Savior that each of us needs!

My heart overflows with gratitude to Jesus. I call on Him, and I know I’m safe. It’s not the kind of safe that means I won’t get sick or have financial struggles through this extraordinary season. It doesn’t mean I’m immune to suffering. It’s the kind of safe that means everything is secondary to the trust I have in Him. Jesus is the Savior of my soul.

At the same time, my soul weeps. The kind of “safe” I feel is what makes me different from my Muslim friend who is afraid today.  She is aware that she has no answers. I desperately want her to know how much Jesus cares. 

Satan, the enemy of our souls, has craftily convinced all Muslims that they don’t need a savior. Their whole belief system bases on works—how well they serve Allah as they strive to earn his approval. In times of need their lack of help often drives them to occult practices, which enshroud them even farther away from the truth of Jesus Christ.

My friend who is afraid is one of 1.8 billion people like her who have no idea that Jesus saves. Will you join me today and ask God to help us as we share the truth about Jesus to the Muslims God puts in our paths?  Will you pray with me today that especially during this current crisis, Muslims would seek Truth in places where they’ll find it? 

Thank You, Jesus, for saving me. Thank You that I get to know what it means to be rescued by You and kept safe in You. Now, will You help me to share my faith with Muslims and others who have never heard or understood the Truth about You?  Please, Jesus, draw Muslims to Yourself as they search for answers in this time of crisis. Kindly invade their worlds with a longing for who You are. Help them to know You as their living hope, in whom they place all their trust. Amen.