A New Year, a New Life for Muslims

It’s that time of year again. We’ve made our resolutions. Maybe we’re scurrying to the gym or feverishly cleaning out our closets. Perhaps we’re embarking on an exciting Bible reading plan. The start of a new year sparks a change in us all, spurring us on to new habits, a clean slate, a fresh start. But what if this year marked much more? What if this new year actually brought new life? When it comes to Muslim women, there can be no greater thought!

As I sit with my resolutions goals in hand in several key areas, I can’t help but think of Jesus and His wondrous ability to make all things new. His Word brims over with all the ways He loves and longs to do so. This year I find myself simply wanting more. I want more of Jesus. I want more of His Word. I want more of His Presence. Inexplicably wrapped up in those desires are the very real and gentle nudges of His Spirit leading me towards those who don’t yet know Him as I do. Being with Jesus will always lead to being with people, and more specifically, to being with people who have no hope for eternity apart from Him. In this new year, more than anything, I want my Muslim friends to also want Jesus.

Every January, there is a natural shift. New families move into our neighborhoods. New students enroll in our schools. New employees take on roles within our companies. Opportunities abound for new life, for conversations about Jesus, for His Good News to be shared with Muslims anywhere and everywhere. Whether across the street or across the sea, may our lips be spreading His Story, and may our hearts be sharing His love. Every Muslim deserves to hear the Truth about Jesus.

At Say Hello, we want to inspire and equip you as you have stepped into this new year with a fresh commitment to reach Muslim women. Whether you are interested in learning further how to reach her on your campus, in your community, or on your job, we want to help you take the beautiful steps toward initiating a life-changing friendship with a Muslim woman. Through providing you with training resources and interactive seminars, Say Hello is here to guide you in your journey of discovering the joy of ministry among Muslim peoples, woman to woman, friend to friend.

For more information, please check out The Power of 10 resources.