Posts tagged Devotional Thoughts
Why Me?

Our issues of identity often lead us to doubt ourselves and God’s invitation to lead us to something greater than ourselves. Let’s look at a couple biblical leaders who struggled with these issues and see how God met them in their inadequacy.

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In Celebration of Women: An Easter Reflection

When I think of Easter, I can’t help but think of women. The biblical narrative guarantees it. The Bible emphasizes the integral role of women in Christ’s ministry on earth. In a culture where their value was not esteemed, the elevation brought to them by the gospel message is astounding! Is it any wonder? True Christianity always seeks to elevate the status of women.

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God's First Big Ask

Adam and Eve made a devastating error. They buckled under Satan’s cajoling invitation to taste of the only fruit God had forbidden in their unbelievably perfect all-inclusive Garden of Eden paradise. Now, encumbered by unfamiliar shame and fear, they hid from God. But God searched them out with the first question He asked of any human, ever.

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One Pomegranate Isn't Enough

Our Urdu language tutor took us into one of the most compelling conversations we have ever had. Everything about the restaurant we were in on that day was quite ordinary, except for the tall glasses of chilled, fresh pomegranate juice our waiter brought to the table. The moment’s reverie inspired Mr. Noor* to quote a proverb that has since taken hold of our hearts.

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