"No Muslim is free," Sakina remarked. Never is that more obvious than during Ramadan. Sakina believes she is a slave of Allah. It saddens me to see the spirit of slavery in my Muslim friends. During Ramadan gratitude towards my Savior, Jesus Christ, is heightened and overflows.
Read MoreIs every Muslim required to fast? Tune in to find out if there are any exemptions for Ramadan.
Read MoreLearn more about the significance of one of Islam’s five pillars in today’s special audio segment.
Read MoreYou have questions; we have answers! During the course of the month of Ramadan, a dear friend of Say Hello will be answering your FAQS about Ramadan. These short clips from a former Muslim will inform and inspire as you continue in outreach among Muslim friends and neighbors.
Read MoreRecently some of the Say Hello team sat down with the Network of Women Ministers for a chat regarding outreach among Muslim friends and neighbors. Grab your favorite cuppa and listen in as we share some important facts about Ramadan and how you can get involved.
Read MoreToday marks the beginning of the holiest month in the Islamic faith. Throughout the fasting month of Ramadan, opportunities to pray for Muslims to encounter the living Christ abound. We at Say Hello want to gift you with some special resources to enhance your knowledge, intercession, and friendships with Muslims during this important time.
Read MoreWhen I think of Easter, I can’t help but think of women. The biblical narrative guarantees it. The Bible emphasizes the integral role of women in Christ’s ministry on earth. In a culture where their value was not esteemed, the elevation brought to them by the gospel message is astounding! Is it any wonder? True Christianity always seeks to elevate the status of women.
Read MoreAs Say Hello anticipates life beyond the pandemic, we remain aware of how it has impacted Muslims near and far. This final installment of our Covid series helps us remember that our Muslim friends need Jesus. We are in a place where our post-Covid world bears resemblance to theirs, offering unique opportunity for "togetherness" that features the ONE who loves us all.
Read MoreIt is no secret that Muslim women grapple with fear. The pandemic has intensified their fears; it has also intensified opportunities for ministry among them! Truly the unprecedented times of the last year have provided unprecedented opportunities for deep connection with Muslim women.
Read MoreHow did Jesus view women? How did He treat women? How did they respond to Him? The Gospel of Luke provides the answers to these questions. Twenty-four times in Luke, Jesus either met a woman, talked about a woman, or mentioned a woman in a parable. All of these 24 times are instructive and positive.
Read MoreThe one year milestone of the pandemic’s global shutdown is fast approaching. No one is left unaffected. Here at Say Hello, we remember the impact to the Muslim community and our ministry to them. Over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll share some reflections from a seasoned worker among Muslim neighbors.
Read MoreThis week has been extraordinary in some difficult ways. Many of us are digging out of unprecedented arctic freezes. We’re also worn thin by the effects of a virus that remains unpredictable and deadly. But now, regardless of climate or Covid, we get to turn our hearts toward something we know and cherish: Easter.
Read MoreAdam and Eve made a devastating error. They buckled under Satan’s cajoling invitation to taste of the only fruit God had forbidden in their unbelievably perfect all-inclusive Garden of Eden paradise. Now, encumbered by unfamiliar shame and fear, they hid from God. But God searched them out with the first question He asked of any human, ever.
Read MoreFor the first time in 800 years, the Star of Bethlehem, more commonly known as the Christmas Star, appeared in the twilight skies. As Jupiter and Saturn converged, creating a brilliantly rare visible conjunction, my heart turned to the millions who still know nothing of the first Christmas and its significance today.
Read MoreMy daughter and I have been prepping for our big Thanksgiving meal all week. Remnants of pie-baking and other sundry food accoutrements lie discarded all around us. I stand in the middle of the kitchen, and my heart remembers last year’s celebration.
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